Infertility Treatment methods miracle

May 15, 2012 Leave a comment

Approximately half of couples without children have problems with men. Whether any information is still open-source ‘why’ many of the issues related to sperm count or quality. childless men, the most common problems, treatment modalities, with TESE and Micro TESE answered questions.

What are the causes of male infertility?
Causes of male infertility, a man in children’s diseases, with a history of undescended testicles, testicular vessels, depending on the anatomical disorder ‘varicocele’ discomfort called expansions. And genetic abnormalities in sperm production problems related to the (lost), to a lesser extent responsible for the hormones. Genetic disorders ‘Klinefelter’s Syndrome’ is the most common chromosomal disorder.

Is it possible to drug treatment of infertility in men?

Infertility problem ‘hypogonadism’ sperm output can be achieved in patients with drug therapy is only a fraction of the men. In these men, ‘azoospermia’ name was subjected to medical treatment for lack of sperm in the sperm can be output to the output. This congenital condition or advanced, hormone secretion, may be acquired deficiency affects sperm production. Good results in azoospermia, and the state’s inability to have children that only this group can be treated with drugs.

Is a new practice medicine?
Drug therapy is a method applied in the past to the present day. However, the doses are sufficient to achieve a positive result and it is not possible. In these patients, drug therapy should continue for at least a year. In the past 3-4 months, follow up and this group of drugs used by men to have children are not good at that time provided a large portion of semen sperm output, considering at least one year is almost impossible to remove. Even pregnant in a natural way to manage the number of patients in this group. Dual therapy and short-term treatment failure, because this process is uğrarlarsa desteklenmezlerse; crushed hopes, believes olamayacaklarına treatment. What, you instill confidence in patients to adjust their medication and dosage is important here is to make checks on a regular basis.

How to naturally conceived children may end up kalamayanlar treatment?

In some patients, the number and quality of sperm, while in some natural way to the end of treatment to have children naturally have a child does not reach an adequate level. In this case, instead of waiting for treatment is recommended for microinjection. Microinjection can be obtained as a result of pregnancy.

Sperm output in men due to other non-drug therapy may be effective?

Especially studied surgery (TESE) has a group of males without sperm and sperm output. Approximately half of this group of men and the so-called micro TESE technique of surgery, surgery has a chance of finding sperm. Medicines to increase sperm production in men and it is not possible, because the hormone levels were normal and above normal most of the time.  not yet developed a new method of micro-TESE sperm in men with testicular sperm to achieve the Operation. 2-3 months before surgery, some men, low testosterone levels can be used to improve drug therapy.

Azoospermia this, a common condition present? Micro-TESE method applies to how often?

Current lack of azoospermia in male infertility, the sperm production is 10-15%. Obstructing, or may be due to impaired production. Micro-TESE surgery and drug therapy in men today, the only solution is to have children olmalarında impaired sperm production. Testicular tissue was done because the spouses microinjection whereby the sperm and eggs can be transferred to embryo development of a successful pregnancy. Micro-TESE method was applied in the United States for the first time in 1999. Since 2002, this process due to impaired production of sperm in men in our country is to find out.

Most aleatory azoospermia and at least one chance are distinguished?

In general, about 50% fail to find that the sperm. For example, puberty, testicular size, surgery before the age of men with undescended testes, openness, and that rates of 65-70% chance of finding sperm in spending levels. No chance for the past, unrecognized, even increasing proportion of sperm in men, this new technique of structural chromosome aberrations. Labour and chromosomal structure, the probability of finding sperm in men with impaired natural ‘, known as Klinefelter’s syndrome’ was found to be associated with age. Therefore, the method was found to increase the chances of finding sperm micro-TESE in men with Klinefelter’s syndrome at a young age. In addition, the detection of sperm and pregnancy rates with the same level as men with normal chromosome structure. Therefore, men with azoospermia and examinations are carried out fully evaluated. The process is the use of the microscope, some of their chances of finding sperm in testicular tissue of men with azoospermia increases significantly, and also holds a test tube baby methods, their chances of having children.

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May 14, 2012 Leave a comment

Health General Doctor Page

Anovulation (lack of ovulation)

The most common cause of infertility in women ovulation (ovulation) olmamasıdırr. The most important pieces of whether or not ovulation signs of ovulation in women can lead to many factors düzenidir.Bir. Various organs of hormonal irregularities, PCOS, excess egzersiz.düzensiz diet, stress, smoking, alcohol can affect ovulation. Never without a cause ovarian failure, inflammatory disease and early menopause, absence of ovulation, less frequent.

Factors Tubal-peritoneal

Inflammatory diseases and previous operations, bleeding into the abdomen due to endometriosis in the ovaries and tubes may be damaged, the sperm or the fertilized egg can not pass. Although sometimes the tubes and ovaries are normally formed in the tube due to damage, such as pregnancy or ectopic pregnancy can not occur.

Hormonal disorder

All forms of hormonal disorders can cause disorders of ovulation and therefore infertility. Anovulasyona hormonal disorders (lack of ovulation), which causes the inner lining of the uterus…

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Causes of infertility in women

May 14, 2012 Leave a comment

Anovulation (lack of ovulation)

The most common cause of infertility in women ovulation (ovulation) olmamasıdırr. The most important pieces of whether or not ovulation signs of ovulation in women can lead to many factors düzenidir.Bir. Various organs of hormonal irregularities, PCOS, excess egzersiz.düzensiz diet, stress, smoking, alcohol can affect ovulation. Never without a cause ovarian failure, inflammatory disease and early menopause, absence of ovulation, less frequent.

Factors Tubal-peritoneal

Inflammatory diseases and previous operations, bleeding into the abdomen due to endometriosis in the ovaries and tubes may be damaged, the sperm or the fertilized egg can not pass. Although sometimes the tubes and ovaries are normally formed in the tube due to damage, such as pregnancy or ectopic pregnancy can not occur.

Hormonal disorder

All forms of hormonal disorders can cause disorders of ovulation and therefore infertility. Anovulasyona hormonal disorders (lack of ovulation), which causes the inner lining of the uterus with decreasing fertility, and also affects the implantation of the fertilized egg into the uterus. PCOS (poly cystic ovarian syndrome), thyroid disease, adrenal gland disorders, hormonal disorders or diseases of the pituitary gland can reduce fertility.


Outside the settlement of intra-uterine mucosa uterine endometrium and endometriosis and the functioning of disease-than-chocolate cysts in the ovaries are located. Strongly affects fertility. Endometriosis, ovulation, fertilization and the fertilized egg negative effects in the process of being added.


Previous miscarriages or abortions were optional in the cervix can cause damage and adhesions. Thus, the fertilized egg to the uterus (implantation) may be corrupted. These events result in pregnancy or early embryo death or premature birth abortions and CURETTAGE olabilir.Tekrarlayıcı create severe adhesions in the uterus. This is a complete absence of menstruation or decrease as a result of adhesions (Asherman’s Syndrome) is possible. In such a situation can not be at all, such as pregnancy (pregnancy in the uterus as a result of reduction in area, which is necessary for retention and nutrition) can be seen in recurrent miscarriages.

Presence of antibodies against the eggs or sperm

In rare cases, the body’s immune system recognizes as foreign tissue, their own eggs or sperm of men and killing or stopping the immune system produce substances called antibodies against it. Secretion of antibodies against the man’s sperm in the cervix is a condition often encountered there. As a result, depending on the sperm antibodies are not allowed inside the cervix, and fertilization can not occur.

Abnormalities of the uterus

Congenital structure and shape in the womb can lead to infertility. This structural disorder in the covering epithelium of the uterus (endometrium) and pregnancy with decreased oxygen supply to the uterus, causing enough olabilmektedir.Ancak büyüyemesi show that after other causes of congenital malformations generally should be regarded as a cause of infertility.

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Increased intracranial pressure

October 31, 2011 Leave a comment

Started recently, is a form of moderate to severe pain, but escalating. Generally, two-sided. Pain in the mouth and nose closed and breath holding time increases. Is much worse in the morning, at night, awaken the patient. Next periods of nausea, vomiting, double vision is. Eye fundus examination should be made. Immediately to these patients CT, MRI and EEG must be done. Tumors are the most common causes of increased intracranial pressure

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Sinus headaches

October 31, 2011 Leave a comment

Is not compelling. May be single-sided or double sided. Increased pain means the patient bending forward. Is more common in people with allergic constitution. Flu-being, fullness in the nose, fever, toothache, fatigue may be. Treatment is with the treatment of sinusitis. Should be treated by ENT physicians

Cluster headache

October 31, 2011 Leave a comment

Pain behind the eye and zonklayıcıdır round. More common in males. This pain starts suddenly no sign of a pioneer. On the aching, swelling, redness, may twitch. The average long does it take 30-45 minutes. However, may take more uzunda. Even a small amount of alcohol may create pain. These types of headaches for many months over many years, may continue. Oxygen in the treatment of inhalation, propranolol (prophylaxis), and is used karbamazapin.

Tension Headache

October 31, 2011 Leave a comment

There is a continuous pain in non-strenuous. In the beginning is the neck, such as compressing the whole deal with the clamp is released. It may take many days, the pain increases even more in the evenings. Stress, family and business problems raises or increases the pain. Neck muscles are hardening.

Treatment of pain relievers, muscle relaxants, and stress and anxiety-relieving medications are used. A hot shower, sauna, Turkish bath, massage relieves many of the patients. Hot and cold applications to the neck area, TENS, neck muscles relaxing exercises, biofeedback may be tried.

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What is a migraine, detailed information

October 31, 2011 Leave a comment

Migraine (hemikrani, half headache) is very intense, more severe between the ages of 10-30 and the seizures started decreasing after 50 years of age in a headache watching. The exact causes are unknown, but the role of genetic factors when 60-80% of patients. Generally, one-sided, sometimes can be two-sided. The most commonly held regional temples, around the eyes and forehead. Minutes, hours or days can last. The patient may feel in advance the future of the seizure. Nausea, vomiting, and light can be uncomfortable. More frequent in women. The patient all the tests are normal. Even if we think that patients with migraine headache tomography, MRI, sinus films, movies çektirilmeli neck EMG must be done and, if necessary.

The treatment, stress-free stay, good rest, good sleep, you must avoid the noise and excessive light. Some foods and medications can initiate a flare up of migraine (monosodium Pentamat, chocolate, red wine, cheese, birth control pills). In addition, many drugs developed to treat migraine and to avoid seizures. Neurology specialist should be asked to help in the treatment of migraine. Gives good results for most patients with acupuncture, biofeedback has to be beneficial in patients.

Hypertension, Easy Diagnosis and Treatment of disease is insidious, however.

October 30, 2011 Leave a comment

Provincial Health Director Dr. Kars. Honorary Joy, as well as all over the world in our country, which is a major public health problem of hypertension, a serious risk factor for many diseases in stating that, “Hypertension is not taken care of heart attack, heart failure, brain hemorrhage, stroke, kidney failure, vision problems such as loss of causes. Even go further and fatal consequences. “Said .

disease among the people known as high blood pressure or blood pressure, hypertension, high blood pressure is the normal state the accepted values ​​stating that the Provincial Health Director Dr. Kars. Joy, “Normally, low blood pressure during sleep, irritable or heyecanlıyken high. However, a normal adult resting blood pressure 120/80 mmHg (millimeters of mercury) is. However, looking at blood pressure over 140/90 mmHg constantly then they can talk about hypertension., “He said.

“Hypertension, insidious, however, Diagnosis and Treatment of Hypertension .”

of disease is extremely easy and is an insidious disease without symptoms for years, competitors can harm the patient records of Kars Provincial Health Director, said :

” hypertension Patients who maintain their lives for years without realizing it. For example, some people, this disease does not give any indication. In fact, they are these people seriously at risk, despite the harm to the disease may not realize it. However, this very great vital, damage to organs inside the dangerous and widespread disease that is very easy to uncover. “

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